sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

Primero el CEREBRO, ahora el FÉMUR

Como recordaran anteriormente vimos el CEREBRO DE VACA, pero ahora, en una interesante clase de Biología, vimos el FÉMUR DE VACA, en el que aprendimos sus partes y sus funciones. Nos dedicamos a observarlo y limpiarlo de a poco

Para los no que saben el fémur es responsable de sostener el mayor porcentaje del peso corporal durante el funcionamiento normal en actividades para soportar peso. Es un hueso sólido e inflexible.
Este es el hueso más grande y largo del cuerpo humano. Está diseñado para proporcionar gran estabilidad y resistencia de longitud, y es un hueso muy sólido y denso que constituye la mayor parte de la longitud de la pierna un individuo.

Para conocer sus partes y mas acá les dejo una imagen interactiva realizada con ThingLink

Luego acá les dejo una presentación con mas información  sobre el fémur y nuestra experiencia observando y analizando este hueso:

A new story: Billenium by J.G Ballard

In this case we read the story Billenium written by JG Ballard, which have as main plot "OVERPOPULATION". If you want to know more about the story, I leave you here my presentation that I did with my companion Mateo Gomez Leguizamon...

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

Creating a new poem: As wonderful as it sounds...

Hey there!

In this case our task was to make a poem by choosing one of the following ideas, as you can see I choose the first option:

A) A poem that tells what love is according to you. (As in "Song")
B) A poem which shows a discussion between two characters. (As in "The Clod and the Pebble")
C) A poem describing a revelation or a change of state (As in "Passion")

If you have never read the poem, here I let you a link were you can read it: http://www.bartleby.com/291/6.html

Here is my poem, is short and sweet:

As wonderful as it sounds...

Once I wake up, I can feel it,
Butterflies in my stomach, nervous on my head,
my body shaking every time I think about it.

It does hurt, but not too much.
Only when you go I'm alone,
 This feeling live in my imagination,the summer time 
and butterflies all belong to your creation.

Once a day, a week, a month, a year,
I feel depressed, not only because everything
I ever dreamed of dissapering when I wake up,
But there's nothing to be afraid of

As wonderful as it sounds I'm in love with IT,
Nothing can change that, inside my heart,
Its always alive, no matter what, 
No matter how.