viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Diary Entry

In this task we have to write a diary entry based on a poem called "For My Grandmother Knitting"  by Liz Lohhead, we have to write as if we were in the place of the Grandmother, here is my diary entry, enjoy!

5th september 1946

Dear Diary,

 I just want to say that I'm not good at anything, my family ignores me, my grandchildren don't appreciate my knittings, and that's a hard work. But I'm only good at one thing, my passion since I was young, to Knit,  I can knit anything that you can imagine, plants, balls, pillows, but my skill is to knit clothes, for my grandchildren obviously. But even though they don't appreciate my work, I will continue knitting. I want to be young again and be a fisher- girl, be with my husband and forget all these family problems that I didn't use to have. I love my family but I can't stop knitting because it is something usual. OH MY GOD! I'm being selfish with them, I didn't realise. I have to obey them, they were trying to help me, but I still feel useless, sad and very depressed, I don't want to be like this anymore, how I wish I stoped being like this. But never mind, I will continue knitting, that makes me happy . I don't know what would happen if my mom, haden't tought me how to knit, and for me it was very easy because they are only three movements, I would make more clothes for my family even though they don't like it, it is my passion not theirs, I would be the same as always.

Kiss Connie

# To ilustrate my diary entry I live you some music...

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

Evacuation as Calbuco volcano erupts in Chile

"Evacutation as Calbuco Volcano erupts in Chile"
The article that was published on April 23rd 2015, by the section Latin and Caribean,from the BBC section, talks about a Volcano in Chile, called Calbuco, that erupted.
     According to the information this article provides, this eruption was declared an emergency to evacuate the nearest areas because of the ashes and the lava. So many people abandonned their houses, and others were told to stay inside them.
     People in towns were very scared. A person that had been evacuated tells "I had never seen this before. It scares you in the beginning. You started to wonder what is going to happen to you".
     Argentina, the neighbour country, took emergency measures because there were many ash clouds.

By: Constanza Grasso, Berenice Cohen and Olivia Converti.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Oceanic Trenches

In this presentation you would find the characteristics of the oceanic trenches and haw are they formed...

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Deadly Earthquake Hits India and Nepal

An earthquake hits the north-eastern of India and Nepal, destroying buildings and murdering at least 16 people. On Sunday 18 september an article was published talking about this Earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9, the seismology official Dattatreya said "It triggered at least two aftershocks", after this he warned that there might be more aftershocks.
In India there were around five people killed and more than 50 people hurt, but in Nepal the government said that 5 people were killed and dozens were damaged. Volunteers were looking for people under the buildings in the city where the population of the city reaches of 50.000 inhabitants this was said by Singh, the Indian prime minister, and he commented too that they were warned with a high alert. Some services were interrupted in the area.The prime minister, wanted to sent help in the neighbouring cities from Nepal and Blangladesh, the people were remove from their house, including the shoppings and the work offices. 

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Que podemos saber sobre el hierro?

En esta presentación van a encontrar la información básica e importante  de el "Hierro", uno de los elementos en la tabla periódica...

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Creando un tutorial

En la clase de informática decidimos hacer un tutorial para poder enseñar a utilizar diferentes herramientas o aplicaciones ,en este video con Matias Courecich y Mateo Zampaglioni  les enseñamos como usar blogger y todas sus funciones

Crónica Periodística: Visita a la reserva Santa Catalina

Fuimos a visitar la reserva municipal de Lomas de Zamora Santa Catalina y sobre ello tuvimos que hacer una crónica periodística:

Visita junto al Colegio Newlands de Adrogue a la reserva municipal de Lomas de Zamora.
Visita a la reserva Santa Catalina

En la visita los alumnos descubrimos muchas especies nativas con explicaciones e historias de Pablo Centurión quien fue el responsable de llevarnos a conocer la reserva y contarnos todo sobre ella.

Entrada a la reserva

Al llegar a la reserva leímos las reglas que se debían respetar para entrar al lugar que principalmente eran no arrojar basura y disfrutar de la naturaleza. Al entrar Pablo nos contó que en la reserva encontraríamos muchos árboles nativos y extranjeros y nos dijo que la reserva tenía 18 hectáreas y la reserva provincial 600 hectáreas. Los Árboles que vimos fueron:

2- Ceibo
4- Fumo Bravo
5- Mora de Papel
6-La Mora
7-La Tala
8- Coronillo
9-El Ombu
10- Talar



Además de árboles vimos animales ,pero no animales tan grandes ni salvajes, Pablo nos dijo que podríamos encontrar lagartos, serpientes, mariposas,etc. Pero no encontramos serpientes ni lagartos, Pablo solo nos mostró un lagarto que unos chicos habían matado con un palo y una gomera ,que para conservarlo el lo puso en un bidón con formol y alcohol para que se pueda conservar,al lagarto se lo llamaba “overo” por los colores que eran blanco y negro. Pudimos ver mariposas, unas de las mariposas que vimos se llamaba Bandera Argentina  porque estaba pintada como la bandera ,después vimos una mariposa azul brillante y una mariposa tilin.


Muchas de las cosas que vimos en clase las pudimos ver en la  reserva como:

Opinion Personal: A mi me gusto bastante porque habia plantas que conociamos pero no sabiamos mucho de ellas y gracias a la visita aprendimos mucho mas, y fue muy linda experiencia poder ir alli.