jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Viendo desde cerca el cerebro,pero muy de cerca!

Durante la clase de Biología estuvimos estudiando el Sistema Nervioso, y para hacer mas interesante el tema realizamos una disección del cerebro de vaca, y nuestro trabajo era, luego de realizar los cortes, tomar fotos de ellos e intervenir las imágenes con Thinklink (agregando las partes,texto,video/imagen)

"Un Veneno Saludable", un libro más que bueno!

En el siguiente "ensayo",platicaremos sobre un libro de Marcelo Birmajer que leímos en la clase de Practicas del Lenguaje ,"Un Veneno Saludable". Discutiremos, no solo de que se trata sino también porque yo pienso que es un libro excelente para leer y reflexionar, ya que la postura que tiene el narrador, nosotros también podemos llegar a tenerla.

La tesis de este cuento es:
Un veneno saludable es una novela centrada en el proceso de la adolescencia a la adultez  del protagonista

Esta historia se trata de un joven, que trabaja en una empresa de Chocolates Maroll, quien desgraciadamente es elegido para ir a la colimba, pero el decide no asistir a ella, y por esta razón se convierte en un desertor, este joven tiene un miedo especial a la muerte, ya que el dice que es inmortal y trata de evitar a la muerte de varias maneras, pensando que si decidía irse con alguna persona especial, el deduce que va a tener una familia, hijos,envejecerá y morirá. Lo que podemos observar en esta historia es lo que mencionamos en la tesis, un proceso de crecimiento  , porque durante toda la historia el cambia esta manera de pensar sobre la muerte ya que muchas personas que conoció/conoce durante su jornada hacia el escape de ser desertor, le enseñan a apreciar la vida y que el no es inmortal, podemos darnos cuenta de este comportamiento mucho mejor al final de la historia cuando dice "Y.. me voy a morir.¿Que le voy a hacer?.Espero que me haga efecto muy,muy tarde, dentro de ochenta o noventa años.¿Sabe? Aceptar la muerte es el veneno necesario para empezar a vivir" . Podemos mencionar que el protagonista es huérfano también, y se ve la idea de la falta de familia, pero a la vez, durante la historia se aprecia la familia que el narrador obtiene, pero no quiere aceptarla para evitar la muerte "Lopez me invito a ser parte de su familia", este es otro fragmento donde se refleja esta idea anteriormente mencionada.

Para Concluir,sinceramente este libro tiene mucho material para trabajar, mucho del que aprender y ponernos en el lugar del narrador para analizar/entender la situación.                

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

"We are what we wear"

In the Language class, we watch a movie called "The Devil Wears Prada" in which we don't only analyse vocabulary but also the meaning of fashion in this case the way in which we could use the phrase "We are what we wear"

Topic: Essay "We are what we wear"
*Six connectors 
*One rethorical question
*Two metaphors or similies

Talking about fashion. We could say that fashion nowadays is totally important, not only because it is trendy but also clothes tell many things of you, however, what I mean is mostly simplefied with this phrase "We are what we wear".
On the one hand, when you get a job or you are at an interview for one for one may people look at your clothes as is not trendy or elegant, so what should we wear? . We should wear what is appropiate for our age, our body and obviously the ocation.
As I see it, fashion is a fact that could affect our lives. Moreover, when we are on the streets or at school or at work. If you want to know how fashion really works, I recommend you watch the movie "The Devil Wears Prada", if you 've already watch it yo already know that fashion is like Miranda
(one of the main characters).
To conlude, I would give just a piece of advice, if in some ocation they bothered you with your clothes or whatever, don't pay attention to the comments, be yourself. But remember if  people
were right about your style try to change your style in a suitable way that be confortable for you.

This is Andrea, one of the main characters in the movie, here we could see her style at the begining of the story and at the end

Here are Andrea's different looks/styles during the movie

Expressing Opinions

In the Language class, we were analysing the ways in which we could express our opinions, these are some examples:

*In my opinion...
*Personally, I think...
*I believe ...
*I guess...
*From my point of view ....
*As I see it...
*From the artistic point of view...
*I'd like to point out...
*In my experience...
*I'd suggest that + Infinitive
*What I mean is...
*I hold the opinion that..
*It's thought that...
*In fact...
*Speaking up...
After making this list our duty was to choose one of the following topics (the ones in color are the ones I choose)and then giving our opinion about it:
*Environmental Disasters
*Alcohol - Drugs
*Use of IT (technology) tolls at schools

As I see it, football is a very entretaining game which I must say that not too many girls are into it, is more a masculine game, but that doesn't mean that girls cannot play it, what I mean is that traditions can be broken.

Alcohol - Drugs
Personallly, I think that alcohol is a very bad influence for people, especially teenagers who are "discovering" new drinks. But not teenagers are adicted, a man or woman in Its fourty's can drink because of depression or personal problems.

Use of IT tools at schoolls
In my experience, IT tools are very useful for students when it comes the moment of studing, looking for infomation, making a digital presentation or other stuff that required technology,I must say that is very necessary.