sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

"The Phoenix": a book review

"The Phoenix" was written by Sylvia Tawnsend Warner in 1940 and is a "mythical" story, that involves cruelty and the Human vs Nature.

The story takes place in the Second World War, and is about a Phoenix who is treated cruelly by a man called Tancred Poldero, but before this meeting with Poldero, the phoenix was captured by Lord Strawberry, a owner of an aviary who was an European nobleman, who collected birds.

After Lord Strawberry´s death (he died penniless) , Mr Poldero bought the phoenix because the aviary was on sale, he used the phoenix as an atraction of "Poldero's Wizard Wonderland". When the phoenix arrived there he was abused by Poldero in many diffrent ways, because the crowds were losing interest, so Poldero read a book that said that when a phoenix is getting old or is old enough to die it burns it self and another bird is born, so he made the impossible to make the phoenix die, as for example, he changed his habitat, he dipped him, etc

To sum up, this story is a good example of what is happening now a days like deforestation and the extintion of animal especies (human vs nature), so is wonderful to read it, I would really recommend it.

Tancred Poldero

The Phoenix

Poldero's Wizard Wonderland

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