jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

The Catastrophe of the Japanese Earthwake

In the Language througth Literature class we made an Historical Narrative with a catastrophe ,I choose  the Japanese Earthwake, then we have to answer some questions about it and we have to create a"interview" with someone that was there and finally make a short text including all the questions.

What happened?
A magnitude 8.9 earthwake devastated Japan, leaving thousands  of people, most part of the city was destroyed.

Tohoku, Japan.

In 2011, March 11 th.

Who were involved?
The victims in Tohoku

Because the Phenomenom of induced seismicity occurs  with a temporal coincidence between the first mentioned filling and the generation of the first earthwake.


1- How do you feel now about that memory in your mind?

I am very scared, because I have many nightmares about that moment and it was difficult for me to loose my parents.

2- How was your experience there?

It was horrible ,very horrible. I was very scared, thank god my husband and my sons and daughter are safe.

3-How could you save your self from that catastrophe?

I am a scientist, so I knew that something was coming, so I decided to travel here to New York, but my parents didin´t want to leave their houses behind and they stayed there.

With a magnitude of 8.9 this earthwake, devastated Japan leaving thousends of dead. Most part of the city was destroyed. This was in the city of Tohoku in 2011 March 11 st.

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