miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014

How I Faced the Hampshire Mauler

My Creative Writting:
When I started to belive that the TIME MACHINE works one big hole absorved me an I was shouting as if some one hit me on my  face . A few minutes later I woke up in  a barn that was full of animals , and when I tried to stand up I fell, because I  was feeling myself heavy. I saw a pond with water. I was thirsty, so I drank but when I saw my reflection... I was a horse! Can you belive it? So I started loking for Steve but a man came and put on me the horse chain and he sat down on me, so I started to stummer and the  man recognized  my voice and  he asked if my name was Max and I said yes "sure", so Inmidietly I knew that was Steve because of his voice. 

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