martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Myth: The Origin of The Ocean

In the Writing class we made group of  3 and all together we decide the plot and each of us have to make a different part the part in pink is mine so here is the myth ...

The Origin of the Ocean

In a city called Tebas. Tebas was a city very dry and don’t had animals a crowd of people,tebas  people are adults, children and  grandparents that were the people who would die first  and all the people very angry because don´t had nothing to drink and eat ,the people were desperate because they had nothing to drink and eat, people were dying of hunger or thirst, Then all the people together in one place to discuss what happened that had nothing to drink and eat then we went to ask God what they could do something
The crowd very angry went to a temple of God. But to do that they had to walk a lot of kilometres.When they arrived the first thing that they did was to rest until the temple was opened. When it was opened they ran to the statue. They asked something to drink and ate because lots of people were dying thirsty. God didn't answer until they were living. He called them and said that he accepted that but it has a condition that was that they had to made more temples to him because he wanted to be more value in all the city. The people thought but at the end they accepted. Then of that God transformed a ordinary human in a Water God. Then he explained what he have done. When he finished he trained Poseidon, the Water God,. A month later Poseidon created water.

Finally, after the ordinary man transformation through Poseidon, the people distracted by
happiness of having water and food, forgot to build the temples which was God condition. Only one of them remember that condition, Poseidon himself, so worried he shouted…

-"This can't be happening. STOP, STOP, STOP drinking please!!!-"

God, got to know that the Temples weren't build so he decided to punish all the people turning the water salad, people got sick and dry and many of them die. Later on ,Poseidon decided to put Ocean to that kind of water and no one else drunk there since that day.
                             The End

By: Facundo Perez, Franco Fabrichini and Constanza Grasso

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